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Biofuel Feedstocks
Sourcing: Used Cooking Oil, Food Waste, Tallow (and derivatives) Vegetable Acid Oil (mixed) Crude Maize Oil, Tall Oil Pitch and Canola Acid Oil.

Deoderiser Distillate, Palm Stearin, Brown Grease, Olive Acid Oil, Technical Tallow, Tall Oil and technical UCO.

Animal Feed
Crude Glycerin, Lecithin, Mixed Vegetable Acid Oils, Crude Soya Bean Oil and Non GMO Sunflower Oil.
Animal Feed

Equity Investments
MW Beer & Co. Ltd are investing in the infrastructure of newly emerging companies that require investment to grow and sustain a place in the economic supply chain of raw materials for renewable energy. Our investments are currently in South East Asia, South America and West Africa.
Equity Invest
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